Get That Perfect Beach Body This Summer!

girl pixaIt’s almost summertime and clothing stores are stocking up on swimwear and beachwear. Many people are already thinking about, or attempting ways, to workout and diet in a tempt to shake off the winter mode and get into shape for the summer. While some only need to shed off a few pounds and do some moderate exercise to be bikini ready, others may struggle a bit.

With time, and due to the effects of motherhood, many women gain weight around the abdominal area resulting in excess skin and stretch marks. Breasts can change too by losing their perkiness and their fullness. But before you resign to covering yourself more than is necessary during the beach visits, you need to know that there are options that can make you feel more confident about your body again.

Our tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) in Temecula removes excess skin and fat resulting in a firmer, smoother and slimmer stomach. Breast augmentation in Temecula is also recommended for women who have small breasts and want them to be fuller. It also repairs dropping breasts that have lost their perkiness due to pregnancy or weight loss.

Tummy Tuck Temecula

For many women, the ideal torso is one with a flat, firm and narrow abdomen as portrayed by models on magazine covers as well as in the media. However, as they go through pregnancy and childbirth, weight loss or aging, fat tends to accumulate around the abdomen causing unsightly loose skin and excess stretch marks

A tummy tuck can turn back the clock by tightening and firming up the muscles and removing excess fat deposits resulting in a slimmer tummy. The fact that you will now be in a position to put on certain clothes comfortably will give you newfound self-confidence and improve your self-esteem.

There are various options available including liposuction, mini-tummy tucks and full-tummy tucks which can be tailored to meet the particular desires of the patients and the shape of their bodies. If you want a tummy tuck in Temecula, feel free to schedule a consultation at our office. We listen to our patients in order to understand their specific wishes so that we give them the most optimal results with lesser risk.

Breast Augmentation Temecula

Most women are very sensitive about the shape and size of their breasts. By the time they seek consultation on breast enlargement surgery, they usually have contemplated having it for several years. If you want the best outcome in terms of the breast size, shape and contour, your choice of surgeon is absolutely important.

Breast augmentation surgery is very popular with women whose breasts have lost volume and perkiness as a result of breast-feeding and considerable weight loss. Breasts which appear “deflated” will become fuller which will bring greater freedom with fashion and boosting self-image.

For breast augmentation in Temecula, call us today and book a makeover consultation. We have implants of various shapes and sizes so that each patient gets their desired outcome.

Come prepared with all your questions and Dr. Newman and staff will take time to answer them truthfully and in detail. Contact us today at (951) 698-3344!

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