Category Archives: Breast Augmentation

Breast Lift Summer in Temecula!

beach girlSome things we just aren’t born with. From the day you started buying push-up bras, you were aware of the qualities you believe you lack. We all want to have the perfect pair of breasts, not only to appear sexy and well endowed, but to improve your overall self-confidence. With summer at its peak, it’s harder to accentuate your breasts without the right bathing suit. The struggle ends now! It’s time to finally treat yourself to what you deserve. With our Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation surgery in Temecula, you can ditch those push up bras and finally feel comfortable and confident in your own skin!

Whether you always make sure you have the right amount of support or not, gravity will inevitably take a toll on your breasts. Over time you may start to develop stretch marks or droopy breasts regardless of their size. Our breast lift surgery in Temecula can help bring the perkiness back in your breasts, enlarging them and raising up the nipple while making the areola (dark area around the nipples) smaller. If you are unsatisfied with the current size, shape, projection or location of your breasts, turn to our breast lift in Temecula for amazing results!

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Temecula

It is important to understand that all breasts and patients are unique. While one patient may only require a breast lift, another might need a breast lift and an implant to achieve the desired result. Breast augmentation surgery is for patients who wish to increase the size of their breasts while maintaining a perky and youthful appearance.

Your breast size can vary depending on your weight, but gaining weight to achieve your desired breast size is unnecessary. Our breast augmentation surgery in Temecula is an easy and permanent way to achieve the breasts you’ve always wanted. No longer will you have to wear pads beneath your bikini tops or push-up bras under your dress. Make the decision you deserve to never have to worry about your breast size again!

Other Breast Shape Procedures

Size isn’t the only problem that some patients may have with their breasts. Regardless of size, there are certain conditions that some people may have where their breasts are an unusual shape or asymmetrical. The 4 most common conditions are called Breast Asymmetry, Tight Lower Pole of the Breast, Tubular Breast Shape and variations of Poland Syndrome. To read more about these conditions, or to see if you may have one of them, click here to read more.

Make this the summer where change begins. No more second thoughts! Regain your confidence become worry free for life by making an appointment to get a breast lift or breast augmentation now! (951) 698-3344

Breast Shape Correction Surgery in Temecula!

With summer on its way here in Temecula Valley, breast lifts and breast augmentations are on the rise. While the size of your breasts can be an important aspect for your self-confidence and happiness, some women are not too concerned with the size, but the shape instead. Many women have certain conditions where either one breast is larger than the other, or there is underdevelopment of the breast right below the nipple area. Misshaped breasts can be easily taken care of with our breast shape correction surgery in Temecula!

Other Breast Shape Procedures

breast conscious

The first type of breast condition that could need shape correction surgery would be the most common is called Breast Asymmetry, meaning that the left breast is a different size in comparison to the right one. When your two breast don’t match, this could be due to different amounts of thickness in the skin, different amounts of breast tissue in each breast, or just how elastic and stretchy the skin is in both breasts. Just like there are many causes that could be the reason for your breast asymmetry, there are many treatments that can be done to take care of the problem.

Another breast condition that is common is called tight lower pole of the breast, and this is when there are signs of underdevelopment in the lower part of the breast, below the nipple. Many patients tell their doctors that they believe their breasts are too small for their chest. In this case, the nipple resides very close to the bottom rim of the breasts, and in some cases may even appear to point in a downwards direction. This issue can easily be fixed with a breast augmentation in Temecula, and breast tissue can be placed directly into the area where the patient desires.

The third breast shape condition that is not as common is called Tubular Breast Shape. About five percent of patients seeking breast augmentations seek them to fix this issue. This, in most cases, is because the areola (dark circle around the nipple) is filled with breast tissue while the breast area below is minimal. In comparison, this could make the breast appear smaller and the areola appears to puff out of the chest. Asymmetry is a condition that usually accompanies tubular breast shape, and can be treated as well. Contact us today to see what procedure is best for you.

Lastly, there is one more breast shape condition that is extremely rare called True Poland Syndrome. Patients with True Poland Syndrome typically feel that there breasts are too small and/or asymmetrical, and may also feel that their ribcage or chest wall is misshapen. One of the main reasons for true poland syndrome is the complete lack of the large chest muscle that is located behind the breasts. This syndrome usually only occurs on one side of the chest, which is what makes the breasts appear asymmetrical. This could also cause a slight weakness of the arm muscles on the side of where the large chest muscle is absent.

If you’re not sure what type of misshapen breasts you have, make an appointment with us today to help us diagnose you with your condition, and see if a breast augmentation will be enough to take care of the issue. Dr. Newman is always here to make sure all your concerns are addressed and your worries are taken care of. Give us a call to stop by our plastic surgery center in Temecula today! (951) 698-3344!

Get That Perfect Beach Body This Summer!

girl pixaIt’s almost summertime and clothing stores are stocking up on swimwear and beachwear. Many people are already thinking about, or attempting ways, to workout and diet in a tempt to shake off the winter mode and get into shape for the summer. While some only need to shed off a few pounds and do some moderate exercise to be bikini ready, others may struggle a bit.

With time, and due to the effects of motherhood, many women gain weight around the abdominal area resulting in excess skin and stretch marks. Breasts can change too by losing their perkiness and their fullness. But before you resign to covering yourself more than is necessary during the beach visits, you need to know that there are options that can make you feel more confident about your body again.

Our tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) in Temecula removes excess skin and fat resulting in a firmer, smoother and slimmer stomach. Breast augmentation in Temecula is also recommended for women who have small breasts and want them to be fuller. It also repairs dropping breasts that have lost their perkiness due to pregnancy or weight loss.

Tummy Tuck Temecula

For many women, the ideal torso is one with a flat, firm and narrow abdomen as portrayed by models on magazine covers as well as in the media. However, as they go through pregnancy and childbirth, weight loss or aging, fat tends to accumulate around the abdomen causing unsightly loose skin and excess stretch marks

A tummy tuck can turn back the clock by tightening and firming up the muscles and removing excess fat deposits resulting in a slimmer tummy. The fact that you will now be in a position to put on certain clothes comfortably will give you newfound self-confidence and improve your self-esteem.

There are various options available including liposuction, mini-tummy tucks and full-tummy tucks which can be tailored to meet the particular desires of the patients and the shape of their bodies. If you want a tummy tuck in Temecula, feel free to schedule a consultation at our office. We listen to our patients in order to understand their specific wishes so that we give them the most optimal results with lesser risk.

Breast Augmentation Temecula

Most women are very sensitive about the shape and size of their breasts. By the time they seek consultation on breast enlargement surgery, they usually have contemplated having it for several years. If you want the best outcome in terms of the breast size, shape and contour, your choice of surgeon is absolutely important.

Breast augmentation surgery is very popular with women whose breasts have lost volume and perkiness as a result of breast-feeding and considerable weight loss. Breasts which appear “deflated” will become fuller which will bring greater freedom with fashion and boosting self-image.

For breast augmentation in Temecula, call us today and book a makeover consultation. We have implants of various shapes and sizes so that each patient gets their desired outcome.

Come prepared with all your questions and Dr. Newman and staff will take time to answer them truthfully and in detail. Contact us today at (951) 698-3344!

Three Reasons to Get Breast Augmentation Surgery in Murrieta!

A New Year means a chance for a New YOU! Give yourself the ultimate Christmas present this holiday season with our Breast Augmentation surgery in Murrieta! Don’t waste your time with push-bras anymore! Dr. Newman MD’s breast lift procedure can give you quick and easy results and have the breast size that you’ve always wanted!

Dr. Newman M.D.’s approach to breast surgery in Murrieta is a great option for women who have never reached their preferred breast size, or men who would like a breast reduction. See below for three reasons why you should have Breast Augmentation Surgery in Murrieta today!

Pride and Self-Esteem

breastWe want our bodies to reflect how we feel on the inside. Although our energy levels and attitudes may be tip-top, it may not always show. Having unsatisfactory or misshapen breasts can cause discouragement when exercise or specific clothing are implemented and stressed. It may be difficult trying to achieve the body that you can’t seem to reach. Breast Augmentation surgery is hands-down the fastest, most effective way to get the body of your dreams! Along with the great appearance, you will also get the confidence you deserve! Get that self-esteem boost that you deserve, and book an appointment for your Breast Lift today!

Improve Body Shape

Because it’s usually hereditary, diet and exercise will not always be able to completely get rid of the fat deposits or saggy belly, no matter how rigorous. Not to mention, results won’t take effect until after the New Year is already over! With our breast lift procedure, your posture and waistline can be greatly improved. Not only with you achieve the breast size you’ve always wanted, your abdomen and waistline will appear thinner due to the extra lift. When your posture and breasts are improved to your liking, your confidence will shine even brighter!

Reduce or Remove Stretch Marks

Breast augmentation tends to soften the appearance of stretch marks, since the added volume will stretch out the skin, thereby stretch out the marks as well so that they aren’t as dark. In other words, by stretching the skin during a breast surgery will make stretch marks appear much less obvious. Since there is no one “cure” for stretch marks on your breasts; but breast revision surgery along with other, less invasive therapies may help. Breast revision surgery is actually one of a number of approaches that can be used to reduce the appearance of stretch marks on breast skin, meaning you can increase the size of your breasts AND reduce the appearance of stretch marks all in one surgery!

With our breast augmentation surgery, you can achieve the perfectly youthful and energized body that you’ve always wanted! Contact us today at (951) 698-3344 for more information on our Breast Lift Procedure in Murrieta!